General Booking & Motel Information
Main Street Motel Hervey Bay booking information. Prices will differ according to peak times, number of people in a room and number of nights staying.
Cancellation Policy
- We ask that you give plenty of notice if thinking of cancelling and are considerate to our needs of finding a replacement booking.
- If a guest fails to arrive and we have not been notified in advance, Main Street Motel will charge a minimum of the first night’s accommodation.
- Please be aware that we are unable to refund any monies for late arrivals, early departures or in the event of inclement weather
Check In / Out
- We look forward to welcoming you any time after 2pm on day of arrival
- All rooms to be vacated by 10am on the day of your departure
- Early departures: should you wish to check out before 8am, please place your keys in the key return box at reception
- If you have an outstanding bill please finalise your account the night before leaving
- If you would like to extend your stay (depending on availability) – please do so before 10am
- Please note that smoking is not permitted in any room.
- We will provide you with an ashtray for use outside your room.
- Please keep your door closed and be mindful of other guests.
- Please note a cleaning charge of $150 applies for Curtains, Quilts and Carpets that need cleaning if smoke is detected.
Small dogs only – permission prior to check in.
- Children must always be supervised by an adult
- Hours of use from 7.30am to 7.30pm
- Please no glass containers of any kind into the pool area
Booking Information & Questions
Jess and Rebecca are here to provide guests with excellent service. If any problems please let us know. Main Street Motel features relaxing swimming pool, barbeque area, and a tour booking concierge. For questions about our policies, room rates, and dates of availability, please use the button above or contact our Main Street Motel professional staff, they are here to make your stay with us enjoyable.